Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sirens on the radio should be illegal

Many people listen to the radio while they are in the car, and music that has sirens in it can be very distracting. If one hears a siren in a song, they could easily think that it is a police man and get distracted looking for a cop car or end up pulling over when it is unnecessary or unsafe to do so. The passing of this law would not require too much effort on anyone's part, but could very well increase safety on the road. Someday if this law were to be passed, which I strongly suggest it should be, radio stations could easily blur out or replace a song with a siren it just like they do to some explicit songs. If advertisements or songs play sirens in them with the intention of drawing your attention, it is unsafe and they should be prohibited from doing this. As far as I'm concerned, not much value could be added to an ad or song by just the sound of a siren, it is very easy to replace it. Many may not even think of this issue until it happens to them one day, which is why people must be exposed to this issue. While it may seem like a very small and rare problem, it could still threaten the safety of people while driving and should not be ignored.

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